办 公地点: 上海 Office Location: Shanghai |
职 务:合伙人 Position: Partner |
电 话: 021-63233899 Phone: 021-63233899 |
手 机: 17718471083 Mobile Phone:17718471083 |
邮箱:liyou@xianwenlaw.com liyoulawyer@gmail.com Email:liyou@xianwenlaw.com liyoulawyer@gmail.com |
工作语言: 中文、英文 Languages: Chinese, English |
专业领域:知识产权、货运物流、电子商务、保险 Areas of Expertise: Intellectual Property, Freight Logistics, E-commerce,insurance. |
- 中国律师执业资格
- 中国法学会会员
Professional Qualifications
- Chinese Lawyer Qualification
- Member of the China Law Society
- 李由律师现为上海显闻律师事务所合伙人。
- 专业领域涉及知识产权、电子商务、货运物流、保险、进出口贸易等。自从业以来为多家电子商务公司、科技公司、货运/船公司,进出口贸易公司、保险公司(PICC、Chubb、三星财保、华泰、安盛天平、美亚财保、东京海上日动火灾保险公司等)、船公司(中远海、达飞、马士基等)、船东互保协会提供了常年及专项法律服务。服务内容包括诉讼代理、合规评估等
Work Experience
- Specialize in Intellectual Property, E-commerce, Freight Logistics, Insurance, and Import/Export Trade.
- Provide ongoing and specialized legal services to e-commerce companies, technology firms, freight/shipping companies, import/export trade companies, and insurance companies.
- Represent prominent clients such as PICC, Chubb, Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance, Huatai Insurance, AXA Tianping, AIG, Tokio Marine, COSCO Shipping, CMA CGM, Maersk, and P&I Clubs.
- Handle litigation, compliance assessment, and other legal advisory services tailored to client needs.